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Folate Bioactive Quatrefolic®, Capsules

Folate Bioactive Quatrefolic®, Capsules

Manufacturer: NaturLabs

Quantity: 60 capsules

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Availability: In stock More than 5 pieces in stock

11,48 € tax incl.

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Main product features

  • one of the most absorbable forms of folate
  • high bioavailability
  • ideal dietary supplement during pregnancy
  • for healthy fetal development
  • also suitable for people with folic acid metabolism disorders
  • vegan composition

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If you're looking for a quality folic acid supplement, Quatrefolic® bioactive folate is a great choice. With maximum bioavailability and direct absorption into the blood, it is the most effective form of folate ever.

Active folic acid, or folate, is essential to our health. It contributes to reducing the level of fatigue and exhaustion, is important for normal blood formation and proper immune system function. Above all, it plays a key role in the growth of germ tissues during pregnancy. If you are a pregnant woman, bioactive folate will help ensure the healthy development of the fetal nervous system. This makes it an ideal dietary supplement for pregnant women.

Supplement folic acid effectively! Quatrefolic® bioactive folate is one of the most absorbable forms of folate. Compared to synthetic folic acid and other forms of reduced folate, it has increased bioavailability, which means it enters the body's cells more quickly and efficiently, where it can perform its functions.

Folic acid/vitamin B9

Vitamin B9, or folic acid, plays a vital role in many vital processes in the body, including the metabolism of amino acids and nucleic acids DNA and RNA. It is therefore very important in the early stages of pregnancy when the nervous system is being formed. A deficiency of this vitamin can be responsible for complications in prenatal development.

And it is pregnant women who have an increased requirement for folic acid. The daily recommended dose of folic acid at the time of pregnancy planning and during pregnancy is at least 400 µg.

Folic acid is also important in the metabolism of homocysteine in the blood. Normal homocysteine levels are essential for the health of the cardiovascular system.

Furthermore, this bioactive substance is involved in normal blood formation. Therefore, a specific type of anaemia called megaloblastic anaemia can occur with folic acid deficiency. Symptoms include pale skin, lack of appetite, diarrhoea, weight loss, fatigue and lack of concentration.

Vitamin B9 deficiency has a variety of symptoms, ranging from skin to neurological problems. However, deficiency symptoms are also common for other vitamins or minerals. To rule out a deficiency, it is most reliable to verify this information from a blood test.

Health effects of folate (the active form of folic acid):

  • Contributes to the growth of germ tissues during pregnancy.

  • Contributes to the normal synthesis of amino acids.

  • Contributes to normal blood formation.

  • Contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism.

  • Contributes to normal mental activity.

  • Contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

  • Contributes to a reduction in the rate of fatigue and exhaustion.

Folic acid in the natural diet

Ideally, we should get all the nutrients we need from a varied, balanced and varied diet, and the same is true for folic acid. Vitamin B9 is found in a natural diet in vegetables with dark green leaves, broccoli, asparagus, avocados, beans, sunflower seeds and peanuts. It is also found in whole grain cereals and fresh fruit. From the animal diet, liver, eggs and seafood are sources.

Why bioactive folate

Folate is basically another name for already processed folic acid (vitamin B9). Folic acid has a molecular structure almost identical to folate, but it must undergo complex enzymatic transformations in the liver before it can be used by the body. Folic acid itself has no biological effects of its own. Only its metabolites, produced by enzymatic transformation in the liver, which are collectively called folate, are biologically active.

There are several forms of folate, which differ according to their level of biological activity. In this supplement you will find folic acid in the form of a highly active folate, also called 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl-THF), which is patented under the name Quatrefolic®. This is the newest form of active folic acid, which, unlike other older forms, is characterized by its high stability and water solubility. It is able to pass through the gastric barrier into the small intestine, and thus enters the body in higher doses.

Insufficient intake of folic acid before pregnancy and during pregnancy can result in certain health complications. Therefore, supplementation is recommended by experts as early as 6 months before the planned pregnancy.

It is estimated that 30-50% of people worldwide carry a mutation in the gene for the enzyme MTHFR, which is crucial for the conversion of folic acid into active folate. These people may be at risk of active folate deficiency, especially if they are pregnant women, because they cannot metabolise it efficiently from their natural diet.

This supplement contains ready-made folate that our bodies can use immediately - without any kind of metabolization. Our body can use it directly, even in women with a defect in folate conversion (called an MTHFR mutation).

Supplementation of pure folate in its most absorbable active form is the best way to ensure that the body has enough of it.

For whom is bioactive folate suitable

  • for women who want to get pregnant
  • for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • for people who have anaemia due to folic acid deficiency


Pregnant women are commonly advised to supplement folic acid because this period places an increased demand on the amount of folic acid. There are many products on the market with 'folic acid' on the label. However, these are synthetic folate with poorer absorption. This can be especially risky for pregnant women with a genetic MTHFR mutation who are at risk of a deficiency of metabolized folate.

In addition, supplementation with high doses of synthetic folate carries additional risks. It may well hide vitamin B12 deficiency in the body for some time. Administration of large doses of inactive folic acid also leads to the accumulation of unmetabolized folate, which can be toxic to our bodies.

Quatrefolic® bioactive folate has a lower vitamin B balance than folic acid and other forms of reduced folate increased bioavailability and is a safe and highly absorbable form.

Further information

Recommended Dosage:

Take 1 capsule daily on an empty stomach, with water.

Interactions: has mild interactions with dozens of different drugs. If you are taking any medications, please consult our advice section, your pharmacist or your doctor.


Folate from Quatrefolic® [(6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate], hydroxypropylmethylcellulose capsules.

Nutritional informationIngredients in 1 capsule
Folate as (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate from Quatrefolic®400 µg (200 %)*
(6S)-5MTHF glucosamine salt680 µg

*Reference intake value for an average adult (8 400 kJ / 2 000 kcal)


Dietary Supplement. Not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance. Not for children under 3 years of age


Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from children.

Why did we choose NaturLabs?

NaturLabs is a Czech brand that seeks inspiration from the gifts of nature and the latest expertise in biochemistry. It develops plant-based products that have a positive effect on specific functions of the human body with a focus on product quality and purity without the addition of artificial additives.

By combining a scientific approach and inspiration from nature, it develops premium quality products with high functionality and efficacy. In doing so, it emphasizes the maximum effectiveness of active ingredients backed by current scientific research.

Food supplements are produced with the utmost respect for natural resources. NaturLabs strives to minimize the negative environmental impact caused by its existence.

NaturLabs' goal is to produce food supplements that benefit all living beings for their physical and mental health, enabling them to reach their full potential of being.

Data sheet

Country of Origin:Czech republic

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Lucka 3. August 2024

Dobrý den, mohou produkt "Folát bioaktivní Quatrefolic®, kapsle" užívat i kojící ženy? Děkuji

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, můžete jej užívat i při kojení.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


Iva 17. June 2024

Dobrý den, užívám kyselinu listovou ve formě folátu, aby byla dávka 800mg brala jsem dvě kapsle. Nyní ale musím zařadit i železo a pořídila jsem si od stejné značky ve formě chelátu, ale pokud to chápu dobře, tak to již v sobě obsahuje 400mg kyseliny listové? Momentálně tedy kombinuji jednu kapsli železa a jednu kyseliny listové, je to v pořádku?

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, jedna kapsle folátu + jedna kapsle železa od Naturlabs dává dohromady 800 mcg folátu.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


Adéla 25. April 2024

Dobrý den, je produkt FOLÁT BIOAKTIVNÍ QUATREFOLIC®, KAPSLE bez lepku, laktózy, sóji, cukru, umělých konzervantů a barviv? Děkuji

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, nic z toho, co píšete, neobsahuje.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


Soňa 14. January 2024

Dobrý deň, mala by som dotaz ohľadom produktu FOLÁT BIOAKTIVNÍ QUATREFOLIC®, KAPSLE, je ho možné kombinovať s produktom YARILO Progametiq PLATINUM 30x3.3g. Ak áno, prosím aká časť dňa je na užitie doplnkov najvhodnejšia (ráno, večer, prípadne pred jedlom, po jedle)? Môžu sa brať aj súčasne prosím? Yarilo beriem 1 sáčik denne + 1 tableta Vášho produktu = 800mikrogramov, to by bola spolu doporučená dávka pre mňa, keďže plánujem otehotnieť. Ďakujem krásne za odpoveď.

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, pokud Vám lékař doporučil 800 mikrogramů kyseliny listové denně, určitě můžete kombinovat a užívat společně. Stejná kyselina listová se nachází také ve zmíněném produktu. Produkt bych doporučila ideálně užívat ráno nalačno, pokud Vám nevadí na žaludek. Pokud ano, tak s jídlem.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


Martina 7. January 2024

Dobrý den, obsahuji FOLÁT BIOAKTIVNÍ QUATREFOLIC®, KAPSLE aditiva?,děkuji za odpověď M.

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

neobsahují. Složení je: Folát z Quatrefolic® [(6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolát], kapsle z hydroxypropylmethylcelulózy.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


Beata Pyszková 25. May 2023

Dobrý den, kapsle naturlabs se polykají celé? Děkuji.

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den,

ano, polykají se celé. Kdybyste je náhodou polknout nemohla, můžete je otevřít, rozmíchat ve vodě a vypít.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo petra.v@vitalvibe.cz.

Přeji krásný den,
s pozdravem,

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