
Protein Plus Organic Vanilla

Protein Plus Organic Vanilla, Powder

Manufacturer: Sunwarrior

Quantity: 375 g

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Availability: In stock Only 3 pieces in stock

39,67 € tax incl.

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„Protein Plus is part of my post-workout diet. It quickly replenishes proteins and provides "fuel" for the rest of the day. Plus, it tastes great with vanilla.“

Aneta Svobodová, marketing manager, strategist and prospect lover

Main product features

  • hypoallergenic composition
  • without chemical additives
  • strengthens immunity
  • easily digestible
  • 100% raw and organic

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Protein Plus in organic quality is based on the original Sunwarrior rice protein, and also contains amino acids from peas, chia seeds, quinoa and amaranth. This protein combination still takes pride in the mild nature of brown whole grain rice, but with the proper dose of power that has made Warrior Plus so popular. The hypoallergenic, gluten and soy-free formula ensures this protein is highly absorbable.

Compared to conventional milk protein-based proteins, this protein is easily digestible. This makes you feel good after consuming it, without digestive problems.

Sunwarrior Plus is a purely natural product containing a full spectrum of proteins, including all essential amino acids.

Amino acids are the small building blocks of all proteins, so they are essential to the human body for many reasons:

  • they contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass,
  • they contribute to the maintenance of normal bone health,
  • together with certain vitamins and minerals, they are important for maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails.

Protein is not only important for athletes trying to gain muscle mass. Protein supplementation is an invaluable aid as well:

  • when losing weight - enough quality protein will ensure a longer feeling of satiety,
  • for vegetarians and vegans to replenish quality protein,
  • during stressful situations, often after a prolonged illness or during recovery after an injury or surgery,
  • for groups of people with higher protein intake requirements (children, pregnant, breastfeeding, seniors),
  • for conditions of prolonged fatigue, moodiness, frequent cravings for sweets, etc.

Best of all, it tastes wonderful.

Rice protein:

Brown rice provides a lot of protein while being gentle on the digestive system and kind to those with allergies (such as soy and milk protein). This whole grain food is gently cooked and sprouted. It contains all the amino acids the body needs.

Pea protein:

Peas are also a remarkable source of plant protein and amino acids. Amino acids found in peas include lysine, arginine, glutamine, leucine, isoleucine and valine (a branched chain amino acid - BCAA).


It was highly valued in the Inca civilization as a nutrient-dense whole food. Its grain-like seeds help balance the amino acid profile without the worry of gluten.


Chia are small but highly nutritious and energy-packed seeds used by the Aztecs to feed their people, armies, hunters and runners. We've rediscovered their power, and luckily we don't have to invent a time machine or trek through an ancient jungle to reap all the benefits these little seeds have to offer.


Amaranth is another major crop of the ancient world. It was used by the Aztecs as a grain and even in religious ceremonies.

It contains a high amount of the amino acid lysine, which is very often lacking in other plant sources.

Ingredients:proprietary protein blend (brown rice*, peas*, quinoa*, chia seeds*, amaranth*), vanilla flavour*, sea salt, stabiliser: guar gum*, with steviol glycosides from the stevia plant*.


Recommended dosage: mix or blend 1 scoop (25 g) with 300 ml of water or your favourite beverage. Consume on the day of preparation.

*Reference intake values

Nutritional valuesin 100 gin 1 serving (25 g)
Energy value1674 kJ/ 397 kcal419 kJ/ 99 kcal
Fats7,8 g2 g
of which saturated2,8 g0,7 g
Carbohydrates12 g3 g
of which sugars0,7 g< 0,5 g
Fibre4,1 g1 g
Protein68 g17 g
Salt2,2 g0,56 g
Iron20 mg (143 %)*5 mg (36 %)*

Complete amino acid profile in 25 g
Alanine900 mg
Arginine1190 mg
Aspartic acid1675 mg
Cystine408 mg
Glutamic acid3160 mg
Glycine579 mg
Histidine398 mg
Isoleucine1071 mg
Leucine1659 mg
Lysine960 mg
Methionine456 mg
Phenylalanine816 mg
Proline1052 mg
Serine866 mg
Threonine798 mg
Tryptophan289 mg
Tyrosine709 mg
Valine1054 mg

Dietary supplement, not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

Weight: 750 g, 375 g, 25 g

Data sheet

Country of Origin:Nevada (USA)
USDA Organic:Yes

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Our long-term customers know the products in depth and come back for them. We also encourage you to do your own research and make a conscious decision about what your body needs.

Jan Noah
Founder of Vitalvibe

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Celkové hodnocení:
Zasytí,má dobrou chuť

Kvalita + chuť !!!

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Protein Plus Organic Vanilla, Powder Protein Plus Organic Vanilla, Powder

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Regina 30. September 2020

Dobry den, rada bych se zeptala, jaky je procentualni zastoupeni jednotlivych druhu proteinu v proteinu Classic Plus. Osobne mam vzhledem k dobre stravitelnosti a predevsim uzasne kremove a jemne texture a chuti rada hraskovy protein. S ryzovym mam zkusenost, ze je vyrazne hrubsi, stejne jako konopny, ktery navic obtizne travim. Dekuji za odpoved.

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, paní Chlumská,

bohužel, toto nevíme ani my. Je to tajná receptura firmy Sunwarrior. U proteinů Classic Plus je hrách na druhém místě, očekáváme ho tedy méně, než např. u proteinu Protein Blend Bio vanilkový, kde je na prvním místě (nicméně hned na druhém je konopný). Možná bych Vám doporučila malinko jiný doplněk, a to Lean Meal Illumin8, kde máte pouze protein hráškový a navíc spoustu vitaminů a minerálů. (

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo
s přáním pěkného dne,

Marek Blaheta 19. September 2017

Dobrý večer. Chtěl jsem se zeptat, jestli muže protein užívat i těhotna přítelkyně. Děkuji.

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:

Krásný den, Marku,

jedná se o doplněk stravy, proto z legislativního důvodu najdete na obalu upozornění o nevhodnosti použití pro těhotné a kojící ženy, nicméně jedná se o přírodní produkt a mnohé ženy ho užívají i v době těhotenství a kojení, máme vyzkoušeno. Rozhodnutí je samozřejmě na každém.

S pozdravem Michaela

Slávka 14. April 2017

Dobrý den, prosím vás o řadu.Ráda bych přibrala svalovou hmotu,během tří let jsem pošla různými očistami a změnou stravy a dost jsem během tohodle procesu zhubla, ráda bych si koupila některý z proteinu,a zajímalo by mne jaké potraviny jsou vhodné pro růst svalové hmoty,případně co a jak kombinovat.Většina mé stravy je rostlinného původu, maso a většina mléčných výrobků mi přestala postupně chutnat.Děkuju za odpověď Slávka

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:

Krásný den, Slávko,

zařadit můžete protein dle výběru, konopný obsahuje 50 % bílkovin, Sunwarriory 70-80 % nebo můžete zvolit vyvážený Complete Power, který obsahuje rýžový protein. V jídelníčku Je vhodné kombinovat luštěniny s obilovinami pro dosažení kompletního spektra aminokyselin, z kterých se tvoří bílkoviny. Vhodná je také spirulina, chlorella, můj oblíbený produkt Elite green protein. Adaptogeny jako maca také podporují optimální regeneraci těla tím, že negují škodlivé účinky stresu. Opravdu důležitý je dostatečný příjem kvalitních tuků.

S pozdravem Michaela

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