
Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C Liposomal, Capsules

Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C Liposomal, Capsules

Manufacturer: NaturLabs

Quantity: 120 caps

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Availability: In stock More than 5 pieces in stock

54,56 € -20% 43,65 € tax incl.

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Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C Liposomal, Capsules

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Hyaluronic acid is undoubtedly the essential essence of beauty and youth. Its key property is its ability to bind water to itself. It ensures the firmness, elasticity and hydration of our skin. It is also an essential component of the joints and connective tissues.

However, its production gradually decreases with age or due to an unhealthy lifestyle. As a result, wrinkles start to form, our skin becomes increasingly saggy and our joints can start to ache.

Hyaluronic acid with added vitamin C is a great internal nutrition that helps maintain the health and beauty of the skin and the normal state of the musculoskeletal system. The liposomal form of the dietary supplement ensures maximum absorption and utilization of both active ingredients.

What is hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (also called sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronan) is an important polysaccharide molecule that occurs naturally in our bodies. The cells of the human body make it themselves and it is literally ubiquitous.

This substance is indispensable for the proper functioning of the whole organism. It is found especially in the skin. It is the most important component of joint fluid, so to speak, it ensures the "lubrication" of the joints. Significant amounts of hyaluronic acid are also present in the lungs, kidneys, brain, muscles and liver. The cornea of the eye is protected by a viscous hyaluronic acid solution from mechanical damage and maintains the necessary pressure in the eye. Hyaluronic acid is also involved in the wound healing process.

When can liposomal hyaluronic acid with vitamin C benefit you?

  • If you want to promote skin suppleness, softening and elasticity
  • If you need to ensure skin hydration
  • If you are addressing wrinkles
  • If you want to support joint health

Uses of hyaluronic acid

1) Contributes to skin hydration

Almost half of the total amount of hyaluronic acid is stored in the skin. Thanks to this substance, our skin has a greater ability to bind water. Specifically, 1 gram of this acid can bind up to several litres of water.The skin thus maintains a healthy tone and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid thus ensures the youthfulness and healthy function of the skin.

2) Helps maintain healthy joints and cartilage

Due to its viscoelastic properties, it acts as a lubricant in the joints. It reduces friction and acts as a shock absorber. Hyaluronic acid thus contributes to the maintenance of normal joint and cartilage function.

+ Main beneficial effects of vitamin C

  • Contributes to normal collagen production for normal bone , gum and skin function .
  • Contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
All approved health claims for vitamin C

Hyaluronic acid is wonderfully supportive in its effects with vitamin C - for example, in that both components have a beneficial effect on collagen synthesis. The combination is therefore synergistic.

Why is hyaluronic acid gradually decreasing in our bodies?

A lack of hyaluronic acid in the body can manifest itself as wrinkles, loss of elasticity and sagging skin or joint pain. Why is this the case when our body creates this important substance itself?

Around the age of 25, the natural production of hyaluronic acid begins to decline significantly. Gradually, the first wrinkles begin to appear and other signs of aging follow. Around the age of 40, the body's own production of hyaluronic acid is already at 40% and by the age of 60, our body is only able to produce around 10% of the original amount. Also, the cooperation between hyaluronic acid and collagen does not work as smoothly as it used to with increasing age and the skin loses its original elasticity.

And, of course, it is to blame premature aging can be a lifestyle full of unhealthy habits. Some studies show that aging of the skin (and the whole body) is affected by the level of exposure to free radicals. If drinking alcohol, UV exposure, improper diet, stress, or if an individual has high blood sugar are part of their daily routine, all of these risk factors also increase free radical production. People who don't live a healthy lifestyle can look old and decrepit more quickly as a result.

Why take liposomal hyaluronic acid with vitamin C?

Most common vitamin and mineral supplements in powder or tablet form are not sufficiently absorbed by our bodies. While still in transit, supplements are broken down in the digestive tract by digestive enzymes and gastric juices. Thus, only a small percentage of the active substance actually reaches its destination. Unfortunately, according to the available sources, hyaluronic acid supplementation has a normal utilisation rate in the order of one percent.

The liposomal form of hyaluronic acid, together with the liposomal form of vitamin C, is revolutionising absorption!

Why? The liposomal packaging eliminates this process and protects the active ingredient. Liposomes are molecules whose outer shell is made up of healthy fats (natural phospholipids) that encapsulate the contained functional substances. During absorption from the intestine, this fatty coating provides a protective cover for the active substance. The liposomal pouch is naturally absorbed through the wall of the intestine into the bloodstream, and with it the intact molecule of the active substance hidden inside, which is then easily absorbed from the blood directly into the cells.

Advantages of the liposomal form

  • Better transport of the active substance to its destination - through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and from there easy absorption directly into the cells
  • Perfect bioavailability - availability of dietary supplements to the body
  • Liposomal layer protects the active ingredient against damage in the digestive tract
  • No aftertaste, long shelf life and purity (no additives) - all thanks to the bulk form

What is it?

All active substances are transported into the cells via a patented liposomal structure of natural phospholipids, which ensures the highest known bioavailability of vitamins and minerals and other active substances in the human body.

The liposomal form increases the absorption of the active substance by up to 20 times and allows for cellular absorption of more than 90%. In addition, the liposomal form of vitamins provides your body with a wide range of benefits documented in numerous clinical studies.

Unique technology at the molecular level

Liposomal forms of vitamins and minerals are the medical have been successfully used for many years to increase the absorption of active substances into the body.

Liposomal vitamins from NaturLabs use 100% natural LipoCellTech technology, which ensures their perfect absorption. So you can finally feel the real effect of supplementation.

Specifically, it works by coating the molecule of the active ingredient with a phospholipid layer during processing. This is very similar to our cells, so it is more easily taken up by the cells and the contents easily penetrate. The phospholipid layer, on the other hand, protects the active substance as it passes through the digestive tract to prevent premature degradation. It also allows the active ingredient to be transported smoothly directly into the cells.

Such a liposomal structure is intrinsic to the body, and once the active substance is delivered to the cell, the phospholipids themselves become nourishment for the cell envelope, where they help to regenerate cells and tissues.

Why prefer bulk liposomal dietary supplements in capsules?

Liposomal dietary supplements come in bulk and liquid forms. What are the advantages of powder-filled capsules over the more common liquid form?

  • Powder-filled capsules are easily portable, convenient for travel and convenient to take.
  • The bulk form of our dietary supplements is just pure powder without additives. So of course it contains no fillers, preservatives or inactive substances.
  • In contrast to liquid forms, whose unpleasant taste is often masked by flavourings, the powder in the natural capsule has a completely neutral taste.
  • The powder packaged in a capsule lasts much longer. Unlike liquid supplements, which must be consumed quickly after opening, the powder form has a longer shelf life and is more stable.
  • The dietary supplement is 100% vegan, GMO free.

Method of use

  • 1 capsule during meals, with enough water.


People taking medications that affect blood clotting should not use dietary supplements with hyaluronic acid as it may increase the risk of bleeding.

Additional information

Nutritional valuesIngredients in 1 capsule
Hyaluronic acid (microbial production)150 mg **
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)120 mg (150 %) *
LipoCellTech™ Liposomal proprietary blend116 mg **
* Reference intake value for an average adult (8,400 kJ/2000 kcal)
** Daily Reference Intake Value is not established


Hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate, vegan fermented), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), LipoCellTech™ Liposomal proprietary blend.

Other ingredients: vegan HPMC capsule.


Package contains 30 capsules.

The pack lasts for 1 month at a dosage of 1 capsule per day.

15.3 g net weight.


Store in a cool, dark and dry place. Keep at room temperature.


Dietary supplement, not to be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a physician before use. Not for children.

Why did we choose NaturLabs?

NaturLabs is a Czech brand that seeks inspiration in the gifts of nature as well as the latest expertise in biochemistry. It develops plant-based products that have a positive effect on specific functions of the human body with a focus on product quality and purity without the addition of artificial additives.

By combining a scientific approach and inspiration from nature, it develops premium quality products with high functionality and efficacy. In doing so, it emphasizes the maximum effectiveness of active ingredients backed by current scientific research.

The food supplements are manufactured with the greatestas considerate of natural resources as possible. NaturLabs strives to minimize the negative environmental impact caused by its existence.

NaturLabs' goal is to produce food supplements that benefit all living beings for their physical and mental health, enabling them to reach their full potential of being.

Data sheet

Country of Origin:Czech republic

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Lenka Macháčková 12. July 2024

Dobrý den, chtěla bych vědět, jak vysoce molekulární je kyselina hyaluronová u Vámi nabízeného produktu. Ve složení jsem se to nedočetla. Moc děkuji Lenka Macháčková

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

jedná se o nízkomolekulární kyselinu hyaluronovou.

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Lucie 6. June 2024

Mohu prosím užívat v těhotenství?

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

kyselina hyaluronová se v těhotenství užívat nedoporučuje vzhledem k nedostatku informací. Vhodnější bude samostatný vitamín C:

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Petra Benešová 23. February 2024

Dobry den, rada bych se zeptala mna kyselinu hyaluronovou ve vasi nabidce - nepise se ve slozeni, zda jde o mnozstvi vysoko nebo nizkomolekulárni - muzete prosim uprenit? Dekuju. Petra.

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

jedná se o nízkomolekulární kyselinu hyaluronovou.

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