Code: 1716

Relax Magnesium Chelate Bisglycinate + Bioactive Vitamin B6, capsules

Relax Magnesium Chelate Bisglycinate + Bioactive Vitamin B6, capsules

Manufacturer: NaturLabs

Quantity: 90 capsules

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Availability: In stock More than 5 pieces in stock

23,78 € tax incl.

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Supplement your magnesium and B6 effectively! Why these two active ingredients together? Because the potent combination of magnesium in chelated form works in perfect synergy with vitamin B6.

For all those who play sports or are very physically active, as well as for those who are going through mentally challenging, stressful times, it is important to increase your magnesium intake! Magnesium is an essential mineral that, among other things, benefits the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Vitamin B6 supports the effect of magnesium. However, our body, like other minerals, cannot make magnesium on its own and breaks it down much faster during stress.

If you have a life full of challenges, you won't go wrong if you supplement magnesium together with the B6 in a high-quality, easily absorbed form. Your body will really be able to get the most out of this boost.


Magnesium (magnesium) is one of the most important elements in our body. It is one of the minerals most abundant in our bodies - most of it is found in our bones, teeth and muscles.

It is widely known that magnesium is needed for optimal health and vitality. This mineral is involved in at least three hundred biochemical reactions within our bodies. It is involved in enzymatic reactions, which are the basis of which for energy metabolism, as well as the basis for the formation of proteins from amino acids and the formation of nucleic acids. Magnesium is essential for the proper function of muscles and their contraction, but also for the transmission of nerve impulses or for the formation of connective tissues.

Magnesium is classified as an essential substance. Our organism cannot produce it on its own and therefore it is necessary to receive it from the outside. Magnesium is often lacking in the current Western population. Physical and psychological stress, inappropriate lifestyle (including alcohol and drug abuse) and dietary errors are to blame. Due to agrochemicals, conventional agricultural soils are depleted and conventional crops no longer contain as much of the mineral as they used to. It is therefore a good idea, especially during times of physical and mental stress, to supplement magnesium.

A sign of magnesium deficiency is usually:

  • nervousness, irritability, exhaustion
  • muscle cramps
  • sleep disturbances
  • anxiety-like symptoms such as 'tightness' in the abdomen or heart palpitations
  • tingling in the limbs
  • reduced quality of hair and nails (nails breaking, hair falling out)

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the activity of various enzymes that are essential for energy metabolism. As a coenzyme, it is involved in many metabolic processes. This vitamin is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It reduces the level of fatigue and exhaustion and also benefits skin health. It is important for the production of red blood cells and also for the production of antibodies. It therefore plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin B6 increases the absorption of magnesium and the ability of its penetration into the cells. By combining magnesium and B6 we achieve a synergistic effect.

Who will all be helped by Chelated Magnesium with Vitamin B6?

  • People suffering from anxiety or low mood
  • people suffering from mental stress or strain
  • those who have difficulty sleeping
  • those who suffer from cramps, muscle weakness or tingling in the limbs
  • people with digestive problems
  • people with cardiovascular disorders
  • pregnant and breastfeeding people
  • menopausal women
  • adolescent children
  • diabetics
  • seniors
  • athletes
  • heavy manual workers
  • those who frequently consume alcohol

What are the health benefits of magnesium and vitamin B6?


  • Contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • contributes to normal mental function
  • helps to reduce the level of tiredness and fatigue
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal bone health
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal dental health
  • contributes to normal muscle function
  • contributes to electrolyte balance
  • contributes to normal energy metabolism
  • contributes to normal protein synthesis
  • contributes to the process of cell division

Vitamin B6

  • Contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • contributes to normal mental function
  • contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion
  • contributes to normal energy metabolism
  • contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism
  • contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism
  • contributes to the normal production of red blood cells
  • contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity

Why choose the chelated form of minerals?

Most conventional vitamin and mineral supplements in powder or tablet form are not sufficiently absorbed by our bodies. They are broken down by enzymes and gastric juices in the digestive tract during transport. Thus, only a small percentage of the active substance actually reaches its destination.

The chelated form of the minerals significantly improves absorption. Minerals in this form are much more natural to the body and more easily absorbed than the commonly sold organic and inorganic forms of minerals. The body can take much more benefits from the chelated form of minerals.

What is its specificity?

A chelate is the binding of one mineral to two amino acids (or organic acids). This a special organic form of minerals found in nature, for example in plant leaves. For the body, the absorption of amino acids is completely natural, and so the absorption of chelates is completely smooth. In addition, chelated minerals (unlike ordinary minerals) do not irritate the stomach and intestinal lining during digestion.

Benefits of chelated minerals

  • Higher availability and absorption compared to conventional inorganic forms.
  • Does not irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa like conventional minerals
  • No aftertaste, long shelf life and purity (no additives)

Why prefer bulk minerals in capsules?

Mineral dietary supplements come in bulk and liquid form. What are the advantages of powder-filled capsules over the more common liquid form?

  • Powder-filled capsules are easily portable, convenient for travel and convenient to take. The bulk form of our minerals is just pure powder with no additives. It naturally contains no fillers, preservatives or inactive substances.
  • The powder packed in a capsule lasts much longer. Unlike liquid supplements, which must be consumed quickly after opening, the powder form has a longer shelf life and is more stable.

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Method of use

  • 2 capsules per day, with sufficient water.


Magnesium (MagChel® Magnesium bisglycinate Complex 20%), vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate), vegan hydroxypropyl methylcellulose capsule.

Nutritional valuesIngredients in 2 capsules
MagChel® Magnesium bisglycinate Complex 20%1875 mg
from that elemental magnesium375 mg (100 %)*
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)1.4 mg (100 %)*
The package contains 45 doses.

*Reference intake for an average adult (8 400 kJ / 2 000 kcal).


Dietary supplement. Not a substitute for a varied diet. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Not intended for children under 3 years of age.

Net weight: 100.8 g


Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

Why did we choose NaturLabs?

NaturLabs is a Czech brand that seeks inspiration in the gifts of nature as well as the latest expertise in biochemistry. It develops plant-based products that have a positive effect on specific functions of the human body with a focus on product quality and purity without the addition of artificial additives.

By combining a scientific approach and inspiration from nature, it develops premium quality products with high functionality and efficacy. In doing so, it emphasizes the maximum effectiveness of active ingredients backed by current scientific research.

Food supplements are produced with the utmost respect for natural resources. NaturLabs strives to minimize the negative environmental impact caused by its existence.

NaturLabs' goal is to produce food supplements that benefit all living beings for their physical and mental health, enabling them to reach their full potential of being.

Data sheet

Country of Origin:Czech republic

Selection of questions from Counselling

You can ask a question here and our experts will try to answer it.

Jakub 22. December 2024

Dobrý den, rozumím tomu správně, že MagChel bisglycinátu je v tomto produktu pouze 20% a zbytek je doplněn jinou formou hořčíku? Pokud ano, o jakou formu jde? Děkuji

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

údaj 20% neudává procenta hořčíku bisglycinátu, ale elementární hořčík, který je ze sloučeniny 20%.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na

S přáním krásného dne


Sarka Matulova 2. August 2024

Dobrý den, užívám od vás oba hořčíky a slyšela jsem že se k hořčíku měl užívat ještě vápník, jak to teda je?. Děkuji za odpověď.

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

pokud máte dostatek vápníku ve stravě, nemusíte jej užívat jako doplněk stravy. Pokud byste chtěla navýšit jeho příjem doplňkem stravy, doporučuje se časový rozestup cca 2 hodiny od hořčíku.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na

S přáním krásného dne


Šárka 21. July 2024

Dobrý den, chtěla jsem zeptat jaký je lepší hořčík a nebo jestli se může užívat oba dva. Relax hořčík chelát bisglycinát+bioaktivní nebo hořčík energie malát bioaktivní vit B6. Děkuji za odpovědi. A

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

záleží pro jaké účely chcete hořčík brát. Jeden je více relaxující a druhý energizující. Můžete je kombinovat - malát 1 kapsli ráno a bisglycinát 1 kapsli večer.

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S přáním krásného dne


Adrián Kunovský 7. May 2024

Dobrý deň, v spôsobe užívania k relax horčíku chelát bisglycinát uvádzate 2 kapsle denne. Mňa by zaujmalo, či je vhodnejšie užiť jednu kapslu ráno a druhú v čase obeda prípadne večer, alebo obe kapsle naráz. Taktiež, či je vhodné užiť pred jedlom, po jedle, prípadne s akým časovým odstupom pred/po konzumácii. Ďakujem za odpoveď, Adrián

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

vzhledem k uklidňujícímu účinku doporučujeme užívat spíše k večeru. Můžete s jídlem i bez, chelátové minerály se dobře vstřebávají v obou případech. Rozdělení dávky není potřeba, ale určitě můžete, obzvlášť pokud by se objevila žaludeční nevolnost - v tom případě je také vhodnější užívat s jídlem.

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S přáním krásného dne


Nik 17. April 2024

Dobry den, rada bCh se zeptala , zda je možné zkombinovat magnezium malat rano 2 kapsle a vecer 2 kapsle magnezium relax chelat bysglycinat? nebo jen 1 a 1 kapslí?

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

pokud potřebujete navýšit dávku hořčíku z nějakého konkrétního důvodu na doporučení lékaře tak ano, můžete takto kombinovat. V jiném případě bych nedoporučovala dávku zvyšovat na vyšší než jsou 2 kapsle denně celkem - vyšší dávka může mít nežádoucí účinky.

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Petra 11. February 2024

Dobrý den, mohu podat 9 letemu dítěti hořčik bysglicinat? Malat běžne dostává. Dekuji

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, neměl by být žádný problém. Malát směřujte spíše dopoledne, bisglycinát k večeru.

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Martina 11. February 2024

Dobrý den, prosím můžu užívat i v posledních měsících těhotenství a případně i při kojení? Předem děkuji za odpověď.

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, hořčík užívat můžete při těhotenství i kojení.

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S přáním krásného dne


Helena 16. October 2022

Dobrý den, je možné užívat hořčík + vitamin B12 spolu s železem + vitamínem B9 (dva doplňky stravy od firmy NaturLabs, které nabízíme). Děkuji a přeji hezký den

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, Heli,
myslela jste asi Hořčík chelátový + vitamin B6. V rámci jednoho dne tyto dva doplňky užívat můžete, ale doporučuji zhruba 3 hodinový rozestup pro maximální využitelnost. Dvoumocné kationty (minerály) se absorbují za pomocí stejných bílkovinných přenašečů v tenkém střevě a jejich momentální nasycení ionty jednoho minerálu by mohlo znemožňovat využití minerálů z druhého doplňku. 
V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo 

Přeji krásný den,
s pozdravem,

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Jan Noah
Founder of Vitalvibe