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Energy Magnesium Malate + Bioactive Vitamin B6, capsules

Energy Magnesium Malate + Bioactive Vitamin B6, Capsules

Manufacturer: NaturLabs

Quantity: 90 capsules

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Availability: In stock More than 5 pieces in stock

17,43 € -20% 13,94 € tax incl.

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Energy Magnesium Malate + Bioactive Vitamin B6, Capsules

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Main product features

  • Organic chelated form of magnesium - magnesium with malic acid
  • High absorption and availability for our body
  • Supports the production of cellular energy (ATP)
  • To be taken in the morning and in the morning
  • High elemental magnesium content
  • Synergistic action with vitamin B6

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Supplement with a highly absorbable chelated form of magnesium such as magnesium malate.

This form is known worldwide for its energizing effect. That is why it is recommended to take it in the morning or in the morning.

Magnesium malate is formed by combining magnesium and malic acid. It is thanks to it that this form of magnesium supports the production of cellular energy, referred to as ATP.

The magnesium malate in the capsule synergistically complements the bioactive form of vitamin B6.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that, among other things, benefits the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Vitamin B6 supports the effect of magnesium. However, our body, like other minerals, cannot produce magnesium on its own and breaks it down much faster during stress.

With a lifestyle that is both demanding and active in terms of work and sport, you will certainly not go wrong if you supplement magnesium in a high-quality, easily absorbed form.

Magnesium Malát


Magnesium(magnesium) is one of the most important elements in our body. It is one of the most abundant minerals in our bodies - most of it is found in our bones, teeth and muscles.

It is widely known that magnesium is needed for optimal health and vitality. This mineral is involved in at least three hundred biochemical reactions within our bodies. It is involved in enzymatic reactions that are the basis for energy metabolism, as well as the formation of proteins from amino acids and the formation of nucleic acids.

Magnesium is essential for the proper function of muscles and their contraction, but also for the transmission of nerve impulses or for the formation of connective tissues.

Magnesium is classified as an essential substance. Our organism cannot produce it on its own and therefore it is necessary to receive it from the outside. Magnesium is often lacking in the current Western population. Physical and psychological stress, inappropriate lifestyle (including alcohol and drug abuse) and dietary errors are to blame.

Due to agrochemicals, conventional agricultural soils are depleted and conventional crops no longer contain as much of the mineral as they used to. It is therefore a good idea, especially during times of physical and mental stress, to supplement magnesium.

A sign of magnesium deficiency is usually:

  • nervousness, irritability, exhaustion
  • muscle cramps
  • sleep disturbances
  • anxiety-like symptoms such as 'tightness' in the abdomen or heart palpitations
  • tingling in the limbs
  • reduced quality of hair and nails (nails breaking, hair falling out)

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the activity of various enzymes that are essential for energy metabolism. As a coenzyme, it is involved in many metabolic processes.

This vitamin is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It reduces the level of fatigue and exhaustion and also benefits the health of the skin. It is important for the production of red blood cells and also for the production of antibodies. It therefore plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin B6 increases the absorption of magnesium and its ability to penetrate into the cells. By combining magnesium and B6 we achieve a synergistic effect.


  • Athletes
  • people suffering from anxiety or low mood
  • people with mental stress or stress
  • those suffering from cramps, muscle weakness or tingling in the limbs
  • those who frequently consume caffeine or alcohol
  • people with digestive problems
  • people with cardiovascular disorders
  • pregnant and breastfeeding people
  • menopausal women
  • teenage children
  • diabetics
  • seniors

What are the health benefits of magnesium and vitamin B6?


  • contributes to normal nervous system function
  • contributes to normal mental function
  • helps to reduce the level of fatigue and exhaustion
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal bone health
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal dental health
  • contributes to normal muscle function
  • contributes to electrolyte balance
  • contributes to normal energy metabolism
  • contributes to normal protein synthesis
  • contributes to the process of cell division

Vitamin B6

  • Contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • contributes to normal mental function
  • contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion
  • contributes to normal energy metabolism
  • contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism
  • contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism
  • contributes to the normal production of red blood cells
  • contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity


Most conventional vitamin and mineral supplements in powder or tablet form are not sufficiently absorbed by our bodies. They are broken down by enzymes and gastric juices in the digestive tract during transport. Thus, only a small percentage of the active substance actually reaches its destination.

The chelated form of the minerals significantly improves absorption. Minerals in this form are much more natural to the body and better absorbed than the commonly sold organic and inorganic forms of minerals. The body can take much more benefits from the chelated form of minerals.

What is its specificity?

A chelate is the binding of one mineral to two amino acids (or organic acids). This special organic form of the mineral is found in nature, for example in the leaves of plants. For the body, the absorption of amino acids is completely natural, and so the absorption of chelates is completely smooth. In addition, chelated minerals (unlike ordinary minerals) do not irritate the stomach and intestinal lining during digestion.

Benefits of chelated minerals

  • Higher availability and absorption compared to conventional inorganic forms.
  • Does not irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa like conventional minerals
  • No aftertaste, long shelf life and purity (no additives)

Why prefer bulk minerals in capsules?

Mineral dietary supplements come in bulk and liquid form. What are the advantages of powder-filled capsules over the more common liquid form?

  • Powder-filled capsules are easily portable, convenient for travel and convenient to take. The bulk form of our minerals is just pure powder with no additives. It naturally contains no fillers, preservatives or inactive substances.
  • The powder packed in a capsule lasts much longer. Unlike liquid supplements, which must be consumed quickly after opening, the powder form has a longer shelf life and is more stable.

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Recommended dosage: take 2 capsules daily in the morning or in the morning on an empty stomach, with water.

Ingredients: magnesium (magnesium malate 20%), vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate), vegan hydroxypropyl methylcellulose capsule.

Nutritional dataIn the recommended dose (2 capsules)
Magnesium Malate2000 mg
of which elemental magnesium400 mg (106 %)*
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)2 mg (143 %)*

*Reference intake value for an average adult (8 400 kJ / 2 000 kcal)

Pack contains 45 doses.


Dietary supplement, not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Keep out of reach of children. Not intended for children under 3 years of age.


Store in a dry place out of direct sunlight.



NaturLabs is a Czech brand that seeks inspiration in the gifts of nature as well as the latest expertise in biochemistry. It develops plant-based products that have a positive effect on specific functions of the human body with a focus on product quality and purity without the addition of artificial additives.

By combining a scientific approach and inspiration from nature, it develops premium quality products with high functionality and efficacy. In doing so, it emphasizes the maximum effectiveness of active ingredients backed by current scientific research.

Food supplements are produced with the utmost respect for natural resources. NaturLabs strives to minimize the negative environmental impact caused by its existence.

NaturLabs' goal is to produce food supplements that benefit all living beings for their physical and mental health, enabling them to reach their full potential of being.

Data sheet

Country of Origin:Czech republic

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Veronika 29. January 2025

Dobrý den ,mám fyzicky náročnou práci a jsem poslední dobou bez energie.Je možné tento hořčík kombinovat i s jinou variantou hořčíku třeba bych vzala jednu kapsly ráno hořčík energy a odpoledne jiný druh pro uvolneni a klidnější spaní? Veronika

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, určitě takto můžete kombinovat. Doporučená průměrná dávka jsou dvě kapsle za den u obou hořčíků, takže 1+1 kapsle je ideální.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


Jana 30. May 2024

Dobrý den, syn 16 let vrcholový sportovec. Doporučila by jste užívat magnesium malát a ashwaghandu? Děkuji za doporučení.

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

ano, magnesium je při sportu vždy žádoucí, forma malát je spíše energizující, doporučuji užívat ráno. Na křeče a klidný večer se doporučuje spíše magnesium bisglycinát - můžete kombinovat. Ashwagandha může pomoci na atletický výkon skrze zvýšení kapacity plic, užívání spíše k večeru - může mít zklidňující účinky.

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


Jana Halikova 14. May 2024

Dobry den, Prosim o radu, jak si poradit s unavou. Jsem zena 50 let. a vetsinou jsem velmi aktivni. Letos se nemohu vyhrabat z unavy. Uz rano nemohu vstat z postele, usinam za volantem. Jsem chodici mrtvola. Jiz 20 let trpim na opary, ktere se mi obcas vyskytnou, ale nyni nedolecim jeden a uz mam druhy opar. Prosim co by jste mi doporucili na ziskani energie a podporu imunity? Dle toho jak znam sve telo, si nemyslim ze by to byla jen jarni unava. Tato unava je mnohem silnejsi. Moc dekuji JH

Nikol M. odpověděl:

Dobrý den,

únava může mít mnoho příčin. Jako první bych se zaměřila na kvalitní spánek, tipy od nás si můžete přečíst tady: https://www.vitalvibe-longevity.cz/jak-lepe-spat/. Z produktů můžu doporučit melatonin booster: https://www.vitalvibe.eu/cs/doplnky-stravy/1250-melatonin-booster-kapsle.html

Dále je dobré se podívat na Váš jídelníček s těmito otázkami:

  • Jíte dostatečně vzhledem k Vaší fyzické aktivitě? 
  • Nemáte ve Vašem jídelníčku příliš mnoho vysoce zpracovaných potravin a příliš málo čerstvých a méně zpracovaných? 
  • Nepijete příliš mnoho alkoholu? (Dnes se již nepovažuje žádné množství za zdraví prospěšné -> alkohol nejvíce oslabuje játra a oslabená játra se projevují mimo jiné silnou únavou.)

O zdraví jater si můžete přečíst více zde: https://www.vitalvibe.eu/cs/clanky/477-prirodni-ocista-jater. K jejich posílení můžeme nabídnout produkt Liver Rescue: https://www.vitalvibe.eu/cs/byliny-caje-a-kava/57-liver-rescue-kapsle.html

Obecně na únavu můžeme doporučit hořčík, konkrétně formu hořčík malát (užívá se ráno): https://www.vitalvibe.eu/cs/mineraly/1205-energy-magnesium-malate-bioactive-vitamin-b6-kapsle.html.

Na posílení imunity se doporučuje nejvíce Vitamín D, Zinek, Omega 3, Probiotika. 

V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na nikol.m@vitalvibe.cz.

S přáním krásného dne


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