Code: 1590

Tree for the nature

Tree For The Nature

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Trees are a symbol of life.
Come and plant them with us so that we can be green all around us!

Why do we plant trees?

We are a company that imports and sells. It's not easy not to leave an ecological footprint, even though we do our best to eliminate consumption. That's why we decided to give back to nature as much as possible.

We support local tree planting on a large scale. Join us!

You can plant too, and you don't have to go to the forest, we'll do it for you. Just join our initiative by buying a tree directly on this page or by buying any products on our e-shop with a value of over 1800 CZK.

"Let's join together. Tree to tree will create a forest. Our small actions will influence the future."

What will you affect when you plant a tree?

Trees are home to hundreds of animals and maintain the biodiversity of the environment. Their existence increases humidity and contributes to the production of oxygen in the air.

When our forests are healthy, they provide a huge renewable source of materials and energy. However, natural processes in nature sometimes lead to their decline. In our area, careful planting of trees where the forest has been damaged in any way helps it to recover to its original strength and beauty.

"Together we give the forest an abundance."

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will you plant my tree?

Trees will be planted in the Baba's Quarry area (see photo below). As we are from Brno, the location is a matter of the heart for us. This magical location has a unique spirit and we love coming back. We plan to plant elsewhere in the future, but starting at Babi Lom is simply worth it to us.

When and wherehow are trees planted?

We don't plant each tree separately, that wouldn't even make sense. Once the money needed to plant a significant number of trees has been raised, a mass planting will take place. However, we will wait for the time that is most suitable for the trees from a vegetation point of view - spring or autumn.

Can I participate in the tree planting?

As we will be planting a huge number of trees, we are enlisting the help of the Brno City Forest, which has the capacity to do so. read more...

How can I purchase a tree planting?

There are two ways to support tree planting. The first way is automatic - for every order over £1,800 we will arrange for one tree to be planted for you. view full...

How can you guarantee tree planting?

We have a confirmed certificate from the Brno City Forest about the tree planting.

You can also take part in a joint planting, which will take place as a special event (see events on our FB for more information). On this occasion we will look together at the place where your tree will grow.

Read the report about our joint planting on 3.11.2019.

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Věra Kedziorová 14. March 2021

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Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:

product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant

Dobrý den, paní Věrko,

náš produkt strom pro přírodu není živá sazenice. Souvisí s naším projektem sázení stromů, kde za každou objednávku nad 1500 Kč zasadíme strom. Vám domů přijde certifikát o zakoupení stromu. Jednou za půl roku všechny virtuální stromy sečteme a domluvíme se s Lesy ČR na vysázení, kde podle situace můžou být přítomni i naši zákazníci, kteří k projektu přispěli. Kdybyste se chtěla podívat, jak probíhalo poslední společné sázení v roce 2019, můžete se podívat zde: Více o projektu sázení stromů se dovíte v detailu produktu Stromu pro přírodu zde:

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