Main product features
- top quality BIO, RAW and TruGanic
- contains vitamins and minerals
- contains probiotics and enzymes
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Elite Green protein™ Vitalvibe is completely different than any other protein. 100% raw, whole food protein sources with all of the critical co-factors still intact (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients) that create unmatched results for workouts and for extraordinary health (with phytonutrient benefits way beyond all isolated proteins).
A True Warrior™ is kind (to others — even kind to non-warriors, kind to animals, and kind to the earth), unselfish, caring, and lives consciously by a code of ethics/honor such as Bushido (Samurai) or Chivalry (Knights), yet at the same time is completely willing to stand up for those who need it and unleash a fury of appropriate force should battle be required. A True Warrior™ is conscious of all the choices made in life, and is open-minded. The world needs more True Warriors™. Are you a True Warrior™? If not, I invite you to become one!
This product is Lean, Mean, and deeply Green. NO watering down. NO retreat. NO surrender. NO compromises. NO Way! Little kids and non-warriors can and do take this, and so can you! Seasoned superfood warriors find this a tasty treat. Other warriors will master it in time. Alcohol is an acquired taste and Elite Green Protein™ tastes WAY better than alcohol. Easy to take in juice. No excuses. Are You Warrior Enough?
Warrior Naval Force™
- Spirulina: rich in beta-carotenes, vitamins and minerals and source of essential proteins, vitamins and minerals; helps to strengthen physical performance,helps to strengthen heart activity thanks to the potassium content, helps to reduce the feeling of hunger and to reduce appetite for sweets, helps to stabilize blood fat, helps to strengthen the body´s immunity, helps to maintain blood sugar
- Chlorella: helps to increse body´s vitality, supports of beneficial intestinal microflora, helps to soothe the mucous of intestinal tract, beneficial effects in chronic constipation, helps in healing processes, contribute to the cell regeneration, contributes to te detoxification of the body, stimulates the optimal cholesterol level, helps to lower high blood pressure, thanks to the chlorophyll helps to produce hemoglobine in the blood
Warrior Land Force™
- Dandelion Leaf Juice: contributes to appetite, helps to support digestion, helps to support the digestion, helps maintain normal urinary flow, for the stimulation of the production of the digestive body fluids and of the gastro-intestinal movement, helps to maintain a normal liver function, helps to creation and renewing of breast issue helps to increase volume of breast tissue, support skin health, support metabolism of the body; strengthen functioning of liver and gallbladder, helps in fat digestion
- Barley Grass Juice: soluble dietary fibre from food as a part of a diet with a low content of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol can protect against cardiovascular disorders
- Oat Grass Juice: helps maintaining heart health, helps to support a conscious cardiovascular living helps in weight control, contributes to fat metabolism, which in turn helps weight control, helps to reduce the appetite
- Alfalfa Grass Juice, Ginger
Warrior Enzyme Concentrate™
- proteáza, amyláza, lipáza, celulóza, alfa-glykosidáza: help digestion and against flatulence, heavy stool, help to absorb minerals needed for the body, support vitality, recommended to elderly people and people suffering with a high organism´s acidity, appropriate for person often consuming food rich in saccharides and fats
- bromelain: contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system , helps maintain the body´s natural defences, helps to maintain natural blood fluidity, contributes to vessels health
- papain: supports normal immune function, supports body own defence mechanisms
Energenesis™ Energetic Enhancements
- Magnetic
- Homeopathic
- Vibrational
All ingredients are optimally dried for maximum life force.
Recommended Intake: start with 1 teaspoon per day and increase gradually over two weeks to suggested usage of 1 to preferably 2 (or more) heaping tablespoons per day, either all at once or divided.
Intensive Intake: 6 or more heaping tablespoons per day
Do not take so much that you find it unpalatable, as you will end up taking and benefiting less!
If you experience temporary beneficial cleansing reactions that you find undesirable (such as loose bowels), reduce amount used to 1 teaspoon or less, and then increase over several days or weeks to 2 (or more) heaping tablespoons.
Suggested Use: mix into purified water. Drink consciously and with positive intent. Can also mix with fresh vegetable juices, fresh fruit juices (alone or blended with whole fruits and/or a banana into a smoothie). Mixing with carrot juice may produce gas. Add 1-2 tablespoons of freshly ground flax and/or chia seeds for extra nutrition. Can also be sprinkled on or mixed with foods.
Special Technologies:
TruGanic™ is a purist, hard-core, quality standard significantly beyond Organic. In addition to no pesticides being used anywhere in the growing process, TruGanic™ includes authentic standards for production, non-toxic cleaning agents and pest control, electromagnetic radiation, processing agents additives, air quality, and actual verification of purity.
EcoFresh Nutrient Lock™. Our dark glass with unique metal lid and oxygen absorber protects 100% of nutrients (creates a vacuum). Glass is recycled/recyclable, does not outgass and is non-toxic to melt down. Plastic bottles and metal/foil pouches (worst and not recyclable) dramatically degrade nutrient levels. Plastic outgasses and is highly toxic to melt down.
Nutritional Values | ve 100 g | v 1 dávce (2 vrchovaté polévkové lžíce = 24 g) |
Energy | 360 kcal/1512 kJ | 90 kcal/ 378 kJ |
Carbohydrates | 24 g | 6 g |
Sugars | 0 g | 0 g |
Fiber | 12 g | 3 g |
Proteins | 56 g | 14 g |
Salt** | 0,52 g | 0,13 g |
Vitamin A | 1 000 mcg | 250 mcg (31 %*) |
Vitamin C | 96 mg | 24 mg (30 %*) |
Calcium | 320 mg | 80 mg (10 %*) |
Iron | 43,2 mg | 10,8 mg (77,14 %*) |
Dietary supplement is not a significant source of fat. |
* Reference intake
** Occurs only in natural sodium form
Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dark and dry place. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. There is no substitute for a varied diet. Not for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and nursing women.
Data sheet
Form: | Powder |
Country of Origin: | USA |
Raw: | Yes |
Vegan: | Yes |
USDA Organic: | Yes |
Gluten-Free: | Yes |
Organic | Yes |
TruGanic | Yes |
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Our long-term customers know the products in depth and come back for them. We also encourage you to do your own research and make a conscious decision about what your body needs.
Jan Noah
Founder of Vitalvibe
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Spirulina Organic, Powder
- source of a wide range of nutrients
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- benefits heart and vascular health
- great support for detoxification and diets
- boosts phasic endurance and reduces fatigue
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- Reviews (0)
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Ľudmila 30. December 2020
Dobry den :) Když užívám vitamineral green a earth both, je vhodné jako proteinovy doplnek ještě k tomu užívat elite green protein? Nebo uz by toho zeleného bylo moc a raději vybrat jiný, třeba ilumin, nebo případně zaměnit s vitamineral green. A můžu užívat produkty green a earth bez tzv. Pauzy :) Děkuji

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:
product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant
Dobrý den, paní Ľudmilo,
tyto dva můžete určitě užívat současně v jeden den - Vitamineral Green™ nejlépe ráno na lačno a Earth Broth™ prášek spíše večer. Elite Green protein™ samozřejmě mít můžete, ale osobně bych vybrala čistý protein, např. Protein Blend Bio nebo Protein Plus Bio. To samé s Lean Meal Illumin8. Můžete ho mít, ale poskytne Vám kromě proteinů i tuky, sacharidy a vlákninu, je to takový komplexnější doplněk, řekněme lehká svačina. Pokud tedy chcete čistý protein a budete si jej přimíchávat do kaše, smoothie apod., volte Protein Blend Bio nebo Protein Plus Bio.
V případě dalších dotazů jsem k dispozici na 732 690 885 nebo
Přeji pěkný den a vše nejlepší do roku 2021!
S pozdravem
- China
Spirulina Organic, Powder
- source of a wide range of nutrients
- supports blood formation
- benefits heart and vascular health
- great support for detoxification and diets
- boosts phasic endurance and reduces fatigue
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