Main product features
- packed with minerals
- 100% natural product
- with natural coconut sugar with low glycemic index
- lower in fat than chocolate or regular cocoa
- no flavourings and no preservatives
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Fall in love with the traditional sweet cocoa drink in its purest natural form in organic quality. The cocoa powder that forms the base of the chocolate drink is the very essence of the cocoa bean, hiding a variety of minerals and other beneficial substances without containing a high percentage of fat. Natural coconut sugar with a low glycemic index and a pinch of pure sea salt complete the flavour of the drink.
Delicious taste thanks to the combination of organic quality ingredients
Cocoa beans are the fruit of the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao), which is botanically classified as berry-like fruits, and taste like unsweetened dark chocolate. They are an excellent way to give the body energy, a good mood, a clear mind and support a healthy lifestyle.
Coconut palm sugar is a natural sugar extracted from the nectar of tropical coconut palm flowers in Indonesia. Once harvested, it is boiled to create caramel, which is then crushed into a fine crystal. It is a natural sweetener that retains its mineral content thanks to gentle processing and is characterised by its low glycaemic index.
Chocolate drink is a balm for the body, soul and palate
- Anthocyanins are plant pigments of purple colour. They are also present in blueberries and acai, for example, where they contribute significantly to the beneficial effect on the human body.
- The specific substances are purine compounds, mainly theobromine and to a lesser extent caffeine. The two substances have quite similar effects due to their affinity, but the effect of theobromine is about ten times weaker than that of caffeine. Therefore, with chocolate and cocoa we do not have to worry about 'over-stimulation' or a certain 'addictiveness', as is the case with coffee, for example.
- Bioactive amines contribute to the harmonious function of neurotransmitters (carriers of nerve impulses in the brain) and help to create 'feelings of well-being'.
- Coconut sugar has a low glycaemic index compared to regular sugar, so it does not raise blood sugar levels rapidly after consumption, but releases energy slowly into the body. This makes it suitable for those who have to watch the amount of simple sugars in their diet.
Cocoa powder is rightly known as a powerful aid for inducing a good mood and a pleasant state of alertness. Combining it with natural coconut sugar creates a unique delicacy that reminds many of childhood days when we enjoyed a mug of warm cocoa with the feeling that the world was beautiful.
Suggested use: mix 2 teaspoons of powder with warmed (plant) milk. Suitable for cakes, desserts, smoothies, etc.
Ingredients: organic cocoa powder, organic coconut sugar, sea salt
Nutritional values | in 100 g |
Energy value | 1342 kJ/ 334 kcal |
Fats | 8 g |
of which saturated | 4 g |
Carbohydrates | 52 g |
of which sugars | 42 g |
Fibre | 18 g |
Protein | 16 g |
Salt | 0,52 g |
Potassium | 928 mg (46 %)* |
Phosphorus | 437 mg (62 %)* |
Magnesium | 300 mg (80 %)* |
Manganese | 2 mg (100 %)* |
Copper | 2 mg (200 %)* |
Selenium | 9 µg (16%)* |
Zinc | 4 mg (40 %)* |
Iron | 8 mg (57 %)* |
* Reference intake value
Weight: 250 g
Store in a cool, dark and dry place.
Caution is advised in pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 5 years of age, and caution is advised when combining with certain drugs and other substances (especially certain antidiabetic drugs, lithium, theophylline, hormonal preparations, tea and coffee containing caffeine)
Cocoa powder should be handled with caution by anyone prone to migraines or gout.
Data sheet
Weight including packaging | 250 g |
Form: | Powder |
Country of Origin: | West Africa / Indonesia / Greece |
Raw: | No |
Vegan: | Yes |
Gluten-Free: | Yes |
Organic | Yes |
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Our long-term customers know the products in depth and come back for them. We also encourage you to do your own research and make a conscious decision about what your body needs.
Jan Noah
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Selection of questions from Counselling
You can ask a question here and our experts will try to answer it.
Kateřina Simandlová Dusová 10. January 2020
Dobrý den, píšete dbát zvýšené opatrnosti v těhotenství, děti do 5ti let, a hormonální léčba..
Včem tkví ta pozornost :) Jsem těhotná, mám 3letou dceru a beru léky ba ŠŽ . Je lepší tedy nápoj neužívat? A proč?
Moc děkuji a zdravím, Katka :)

Ing. Petra Vašková odpověděl:
product specialist, holistic nutrition consultant
Dobrý den, paní Katko,
čokoládový nápoj obsahuje kakaový prášek a tedy i kofein. Pokud budete pít jednou denně tento nápoj, určitě nepřesáhnete hranici maximální doporučené dávky kofeinu pro těhotné. Nicméně, pokud k tomu pijete např. kávu, určité druhy čaje, jíte čokoládu, obsah kofeinu by se mohl nasčítat …Doporučuji tedy velmi střídmou konzumaci potravin, které obsahují kofein.
V případě dalších dotazů jsem Vám k dispozici na nebo 732 690 885.
Přeji pěkný den,
s pozdravem, Petra
Magdaléna 4. November 2017
Dobrý den,
chtěla bych se zeptat zda je produkt ČOKOLÁDOVÝ NÁPOJ PRÁŠEK BIO vhodný pro diabetika? Děkuji

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:
Krásný den, Magdaléno,
obsažený kokosový cukr má nízký glykemický index, proto je vhodný i pro diabetiky, ale samozřejmě nic se nemá přehánět. Cukrovka druhého typu je úpravou stravy hezky korigovatelná, v případě zájmu jsou naše poradenské služby k dispozici.
S pozdravem Michaela
Veronika Vodrážková 27. January 2017
Dobrý den,
líbí se mi Vaše stránky a produkty, chtěla bych se zeptat na "Čokoládový nápoj prášek BIO" - je vhodný pro celiaka a pro 7 leté dítě? Děkuji za odpověď.

Michaela Ptáčková odpověděl:
Krásný den, Veroniko,
ano, neobsahuje žádný lepek, pouze je třeba to s ním nepřehánet, což platí obecně pro čokoládové produkty. A doporučuji připravit si ho s domácím rostlinným mlékem, inspirovat se můžete v našem článku.
S pozdravem Michaela
Celkové hodnocení:
Tohle kakao prostě miluji na cokoliv, když potřebuji uspokojit chuťové buňky.