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Book: The 7 Habits of Longevity (Czech)

Manufacturer: Vitalvibe

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A practical book that takes you back to the basics:

breathing, sleep, water, food and exercise.

Matouš Vinš, Zuzana Noah and the Vitalvibe Longevity team

Through simple habits, it will lead you to better health and vitality. It will also open the way to fascinating insights into longevity.

We believe that thanks to the latest findings in human biology, we can live to 150 years in full health. That we can live to the fullest until a very late age. To create, to travel, to fulfill our dreams, to pass on our experiences and to spend lots of time with our extended family.

That's why we founded the Vitalvibe Longevity project, to promote longevity as much as possible.

But before we start looking for and trying different ways to "hack" our bodies, we need to have something to build on. The 7 Habits of Longevity book will help you build solid pillars of long-term health and vitality.

It is based on the personal experiences of Vitalvibe owners and the results of scientific studies, but all the information is written simply and clearly. In a way that everyone can understand and use it straight away.

What will you learn in the book?

  • Why care about longevity and what it actually means
  • What are the main pillars of longevity
  • How to work with habits and introduce new ones into your life
  • How and why to learn to drink water
  • How to eat consciously
  • Why even a short walk makes a big difference
  • How to move effectively
  • How to breathe properly
  • Why and how to really rest
  • Why and how to sleep better
  • Why and how to get hard and how to get started
  • What foods to include in your diet for longevity

Even more topics to learn about

                  About the authors of the book

                  Matthew Vinsh

                  For over ten years he has been intensely interested in health and the human body. He has been reading scientific knowledge and trying to understand in depth the connections and the real effect of everyday habits on long-term health. He also has always enjoyed testing on himself what is good for his body and what is bad for it.

                  He's tried everything from a purely raw diet to lots of supplements and exercise to the Whole30 diet and staying in the dark. But his body always brings him back to being as simple and natural as possible.

                  For him, it is the combination of current scientific knowledge with simplicity and practicality that is the main goal of the book and the entire Vitalvibe Longevity project.

                  Susan Noah

                  Her passion is to inspire and motivate others to adopt healthy habits that can transform the body, health and energy in their lives. She creates and shares through the Love of Raw project, holds live food classes, writes books, makes videos and video recipes, and prepares lectures and workshops.

                  Together with her husband Jan, the founder of Vitalvibe, they love living and vegan food and have several projects dealing with everything that promotes a healthy and conscious way of life.

                  They are happy to spread everything that works perfectly for them and what they discover on their journey towards ever more radiant health and harmonious living.

                  The Longevity team

                  Other members of Vitalvibe's "longevity" team contributed in no small part to the creation of the book. Namely Jan Noah, Filip Hanák and Petr Sax. Each of them brought their life experiences and important perspectives on particular topics.

                  More information about the book

                  • Number of pages.
                  • Paperback, colour print
                  • Format: 165 × 240 mm
                  • IBAN: 978-80-907161-6-2

                  Download a sample of the book here

                  About the Vitalvibe Longevity Project

                  The topic of longevity is so fascinating and so closely related to Vitalvibe's mission that it was only a matter of time before we began to explore it in more depth. The main impetus for the creation of Vitalvibe Longevity as a separate project within Vitalvibe came through pulsed magnet therapy. It is a healing method that Zuzka Noah's family business has been dealing with since 1995.

                  Magnetotherapy is mainly used to promote recovery, relax muscles and reduce inflammation. When used regularly, magnetotherapy also serves as a great prevention of many civilization diseases and promotes overall vitality. We have therefore embarked on the development of the first generation of Vitalvibe Frequency™, which is based on all the knowledge gained from pulsed magnetotherapy.

                  The Vitalvibe Longevity project brings together everything we know about longevity. Through it, we will gradually show you that being healthy and vibrant at 80 and maybe even 150 is much more realistic than you think. We're publishing the Longevity podcast and creating an online magazine where we go in-depth on topics related to longevity. You can purchase the Vitalvibe Frequency™ device on a separate website.

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                  Our long-term customers know the products in depth and come back for them. We also encourage you to do your own research and make a conscious decision about what your body needs.

                  Jan Noah
                  Founder of Vitalvibe